A Sixth Sense
Guest post by Noah Simmons.
About a week ago one of my little sisters approached my dad as our family was “staring at the face of God.” She did not understand exactly what we were doing, and as my dad explained to her an idea dawned on me. Perhaps Anna, my inquisitive sister, was confused in terms of trying to sense God because she didn’t realize that she may have a sixth sense. Personally, I never thought of this sense until Anna’s innocent questioning provoked its realization in me. This sense that I am talking about is nothing less than love.
Think about it. All of our senses are meant for just that, sensing whatever surrounds us, and if the Holy Spirit comes to us and surrounds and fill us with His very presence then what other way would we sense Him than the love we feel? The love we share and offer daily, acting as conduits of God, calling forth the Kingdom of God, living Anima Christi. God is so good!
Anyway, it was just a thought that I find inspiring. God Bless.