
anyone485 at Flickr
The blood of Christ has been shed over all creation, only unbelief blinds us to it. Your soul is covered in the blood of Christ, your marriage is covered in the blood of Christ, all of your pain is covered in the blood of Christ, all your losses are covered in the blood of Christ.
His blood flows into the earth, into the deep hidden places of pain where we are afraid to journey, only our lack of faith keeps us from this mighty wave that ever flows. We drink the blood of the King. His blood is so mighty, so terrible in holiness, so cleansing, that if we could see we would be undone with love, truly our bodies could not bear the weight of the power of the blood.
By His blood we are saved in time and eternity, by his blood He stormed the gates of hell, by His blood He purchased men for God, by His blood man has been lifted up to the right hand of the Father, by His blood I stand forgiven declaring the wonders of the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus Christ. By His blood my words fall short and the mystery of God’s love for man is made manifest.
His blood destroyed death, His blood brought everlasting life, His blood rent the veil in two, His blood sets us free from guilt and shame, His blood enables a priest to give me the mighty sacrament, Hs blood is what grants the words of absolution, Hs blood gives me strength to carry on when I have none.
My faith journey started with the cleansing power of the blood of the Lamb, and when my journey comes to an end it will be by the blood of the Lamb. I can’t merit it, deserve it, earn it, I can only believe it. His blood increases my faith when I have none, His blood releases hope when all hope is lost , His blood sets me free when I feel like a slave. His blood forever declares that I am loved and precious to God.
If His blood won’t move you than nothing will, If His blood doesn’t empower us to live in His life than nothing can. Christianity stands or falls on the blood of the King. The more we enter into His blood our blemishes wash away, holy unto the Lord is brought about by the blood of the Lamb. Blood my friends, blood that flows from the heart of God, without the shedding of blood there is no reemission of sins. The blood makes us Holy before the Lord. The precious blood of Jesus Christ friends the precious blood of Christ.