CHAPTER XXVII. Of Unseemly Words, and the Respect due to Others. SAINT JAMES says, “If any man offend not in word, the same is, a…

CHAPTER XXVI. Of Conversation; and, first, how to Speak of God. PHYSICIANS judge to a great extent as to the health or disease of a…

CHAPTER XXV. On Modesty in Dress. S. PAUL expresses his desire that all Christian women should wear “modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety;” [125] –and…

CHAPTER XXIV. Of Society and Solitude. EITHER to seek or to shun society is a fault in one striving to lead a devout life in…

CHAPTER XXIII. On The Practice of Bodily Mortification. IT has been said that if one writes a word on an almond, and then replace it…