CHAPTER XVIII. Three Important and Final Counsels. ON the first day of every month renew the resolution given in Part I. after meditation, and make…

CHAPTER XVII. An Answer to Two Objections which may be made to this Book. THE world will tell you, my child, that all these counsels…

CHAPTER XVI. The Impressions which should remain after this Exercise. ON the day you make this renewal of your resolutions, and on those immediately following,…

CHAPTER XV. General Affections which should result from these Considerations, and Conclusion of the Exercise. O PRECIOUS resolutions! ye are as the lovely tree of…

CHAPTER XIV. The Eternal Love of God for us. CONSIDER the Eternal Love God has borne you, in that, even before our Lord Jesus Christ…

CHAPTER XIII. The Love which Jesus Christ bears to us. CONSIDER the Love with which our Dear Lord Jesus Christ bore so much in this…

CHAPTER XII. The Example of the Saints. CONSIDER the example of the Saints on all sides, what have they not done in order to love…

CHAPTER XI. Second Consideration–on the Excellence of Virtue. CONSIDER that nothing save holiness and devotion can satisfy your soul in this world: behold how gracious…

CHAPTER X. First Consideration–of the Worth of Souls. CONSIDER how noble and excellent a thing your soul is, endowed with understanding, capable of knowing, not…

CHAPTER IX. Reflections suitable to the renewal of Good Resolutions. AFTER you have made this self-examination, and having conferred with some holy director as to…