CHAPTER V. Considerations, the Second Part of Meditation. AFTER this exercise of the imagination, we come to that of the understanding: for meditations, properly so…

CHAPTER IV. The Third Point of Preparation, representing the Mystery to be meditated to Your Imagination. FOLLOWING upon these two ordinary points, there ere is…

CHAPTER III. Invocation, the Second Point of Preparation. INVOCATION is made as follows: your soul, having realised God’s Presence, will prostrate itself with the utmost…

CHAPTER II. A short Method of Meditation. And first, the Presence of God, the First Point of Preparation. IT may be, my daughter, that you…

__________________________________________________________________ PART II. CONTAINING SUNDRY COUNSELS AS TO UPLIFTING THE SOUL TO GOD IN PRAYER AND THE USE OF THE SACRAMENTS. __________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER I. The…

CHAPTER XXIV. All Evil Inclinations must be purged away. FURTHERMORE, my daughter, we have certain natural inclinations, which are not strictly speaking either mortal or…

CHAPTER XXIII. It is needful to put away all Inclination for Useless and Dangerous Things. SPORTS, balls, plays, festivities, pomps, are not in themselves evil,…

CHAPTER XXII. The Necessity of Purging away all tendency to Venial Sins. AS daylight waxes, we, gazing into a mirror, see more plainly the soils…

CHAPTER XXI. Conclusion of this First Purification. HAVING made this resolution, wait attentively, and open the ears of your heart, that you may in spirit…

CHAPTER XX. A hearty Protest made with the object of confirming the Soul’s resolution to serve God, as a conclusion to its acts of Penitence….