CHAPTER III. Of Temptations, and the difference between experiencing them and consenting to them. PICTURE to yourself a young princess beloved of her husband, to…

CHAPTER II. The need of a Good Courage. HOWEVER much we may admire and crave for light, it is apt to dazzle our eyes when…

__________________________________________________________________ PART IV. CONTAINING NEEDFUL COUNSELS CONCERNING SOME ORDINARY TEMPTATIONS. __________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER I. We must not trifle with the Words of Worldly Wisdom. DIRECTLY that…

CHAPTER XLI. One Word to Maidens. O YE virgins, I have but a word to say to you. If you look to married life in…

CHAPTER XL. Counsels to Widows. SAINT PAUL teaches us all in the person of S. Timothy when he says, “Honour widows that are widows indeed.”…

CHAPTER XXXIX. The Sanctity of the Marriage Bed. THE marriage bed should be undefiled, as the Apostle tells us, [169] i.e. pure, as it was…

CHAPTER XXXVIII. Counsels to Married People. MARRIAGE is a great Sacrament both in Jesus Christ and His Church, and one to be honoured to all,…

CHAPTER XXXVII. Of Wishes. EVERYBODY grants that we must guard against the desire for evil things, since evil desires make evil men. But I say…

CHAPTER XXXVI. Of a Well-Balanced, Reasonable Mind. REASON is the special characteristic of man, and yet it is a rare thing to find really reasonable…

CHAPTER XXXV. We must be Faithful in Things Great and Small. THE Bridegroom of the Canticles says that the Bride has ravished His heart with…