CHAPTER XXIV. Of Society and Solitude. EITHER to seek or to shun society is a fault in one striving to lead a devout life in…

CHAPTER XXIII. On The Practice of Bodily Mortification. IT has been said that if one writes a word on an almond, and then replace it…

CHAPTER XXII. Further Advice concerning Intimacies. FRIENDSHIP demands very close correspondence between those who love one another, otherwise it can never take root or continue….

CHAPTER XXI. Remedies against Evil Friendships. HOW are you to meet the swarm of foolish attachments, triflings, and undesirable inclinations which beset you? By turning…

CHAPTER XX. Of the Difference between True and False Friendship. TAKE notice, my child, that the honey of Heraclyum, which is so poisonous, altogether resembles…

CHAPTER XIX. Of Real Friendship. DO you, my child, love every one with the pure love of charity, but have no friendship save with those…

CHAPTER XVII. On Friendship: Evil and Frivolous Friendship. FOREMOST among the soul’s affections is love. Love is the ruler of every motion of the heart;…

CHAPTER XVI. How to possess a rich Spirit amid real Poverty. BUT if you are really poor, my daughter, for God’s Sake be so in…

CHAPTER XV. How to exercise real Poverty, although actually Rich. THE painter Parrhasius drew an ingenious and imaginative representation of the Athenians, ascribing sundry opposite…