CHAPTER IV. On Greater Humility. ELISHA bade the poor widow “borrow vessels, even empty vessels not a few, and pour oil into all those vessels;”…

CHAPTER III. On Patience. “YE have need of patience, that, after ye have done the Will of God, ye might receive the promise,” says Saint…

CHAPTER II. The same Subject continued. SAINT AUGUSTINE says very admirably, that beginners in devotion are wont to commit certain faults which, while they are…

__________________________________________________________________ PART III. CONTAINING COUNSELS CONCERNING THE PRACTICE OF VIRTUE. __________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER I. How to select that which we should chiefly Practise. THE queen bee…

CHAPTER XXI. How to Communicate. BEGIN your preparation over-night, by sundry aspirations and loving ejaculations. Go to bed somewhat earlier than usual, so that you…

CHAPTER XX. Of Frequent Communion. IT is said that Mithridates, King of Pontus, who invented the poison called after him, mithridate, so thoroughly impregnated his…

CHAPTER XIX. On Confession. OUR Saviour has bequeathed the Sacrament of Penitence and Confession to His Church, [49] in order that therein we may be…

CHAPTER XVIII. How to receive Inspirations. BY inspirations I mean all drawings, feelings, interior reproaches, lights and intuitions, with which God moves us, preventing our…

CHAPTER XVII. How to Hear and Read God’s Word. CULTIVATE a special devotion to God’s Word, whether studied privately or in public; always listen to…

CHAPTER XVI. How the Saints are united to us. INASMUCH as God continually sends us inspirations by means of His Angels, we may fitly send…