Why is it so vital that Christians bring salt and light into the public square? Secularism is an invasive species, whose end is to enslave…

CHAPTER III. Examination of the Soul as to its Progress in the Devout Life. THIS second point is somewhat lengthy, and I would begin by…

CHAPTER XV. An Illustration. LET me illustrate what I have said by an anecdote of Saint Bernard. It is common to most beginners in God’s…

CHAPTER IX. How remedy Minor Temptations. NOW as to all these trifling temptations of vanity, suspicion, vexation, jealousy, envy, and the like, which flit around…

CHAPTER II. The need of a Good Courage. HOWEVER much we may admire and crave for light, it is apt to dazzle our eyes when…

CHAPTER XXXIII. Of Balls, and other Lawful but Dangerous Amusements. DANCES and balls are things in themselves indifferent, but the circumstances ordinarily surrounding them have…

CHAPTER XXVII. Of Unseemly Words, and the Respect due to Others. SAINT JAMES says, “If any man offend not in word, the same is, a…

The beginnings one can only watch and see. Father Quinn as mentioned in prior posts has a work up in Door County. A couple…

CHAPTER XXII. Further Advice concerning Intimacies. FRIENDSHIP demands very close correspondence between those who love one another, otherwise it can never take root or continue….

CHAPTER XX. Of the Difference between True and False Friendship. TAKE notice, my child, that the honey of Heraclyum, which is so poisonous, altogether resembles…