CHAPTER XV. An Illustration. LET me illustrate what I have said by an anecdote of Saint Bernard. It is common to most beginners in God’s…

CHAPTER XXVII. Of Unseemly Words, and the Respect due to Others. SAINT JAMES says, “If any man offend not in word, the same is, a…

CHAPTER XII. On Purity. PURITY is the lily among virtues–by it men approach to the Angels. There is no beauty without purity, and human purity…

CHAPTER XI. On Obedience. LOVE alone leads to perfection, but the three chief means for acquiring it are obedience, chastity, and poverty. Obedience is a…

CHAPTER VIII. Gentleness towards others and Remedies against Anger. THE holy Chrism, used by the Church according to apostolic tradition, is made of olive oil…

CHAPTER II. The same Subject continued. SAINT AUGUSTINE says very admirably, that beginners in devotion are wont to commit certain faults which, while they are…

__________________________________________________________________ PART III. CONTAINING COUNSELS CONCERNING THE PRACTICE OF VIRTUE. __________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER I. How to select that which we should chiefly Practise. THE queen bee…

CHAPTER XX. Of Frequent Communion. IT is said that Mithridates, King of Pontus, who invented the poison called after him, mithridate, so thoroughly impregnated his…

CHAPTER XVII. How to Hear and Read God’s Word. CULTIVATE a special devotion to God’s Word, whether studied privately or in public; always listen to…

CHAPTER XVI. How the Saints are united to us. INASMUCH as God continually sends us inspirations by means of His Angels, we may fitly send…