The Best Kept Secret in the Green Bay Diocese
Since we have a good portion of readership here in our own home diocese, I thought I’d make a little advertisement for the Youth Group at the Shrine*. We’ve been regular visitors since Fr. Jewel initiated the youth group last spring, and it is consistently one of the high points of my kids’ week. Fr. Jewel tackles tough issues and theological topics with a high regard for the intelligence and maturity of his high school audience, but also with humor and sensitivity. Every night also provides the kids with an opportunity for confession and Eucharistic Adoration. The kids themselves come from all over the diocese, and have formed some great friendships through the group. And really, who can resist a priest who beat boxes and break dances? If you know a teen, love a teen, or are a teen, come check it out! Sunday nights at the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help, 7-8:45pm. If you’re in the Algoma area and would like a ride, we’ve got plenty of room on the bus. Shoot me an email through our contact page.
*I’m going to go ahead and link the webpage, but it’s awaiting approval of the diocese. Hopefully it will be live in the next week.