Full circle, sort of
Guest post by Owen Swain.
Slow? Oh I know, I hear some people adding ponderously slow while others go so far as to be flat out rude. But I think we all know of instances where a person or even an entire organization took an abysmal dive for lack of foresight and insight.
Some folks think what old Solomon asked for was a lot of wives but the one thing he sought the Lord for was wisdom, divine and holy wisdom. Even when Her individual members are not one, holy, catholic and apostolic, the Church is and in part this is so specifically because She moves carefully under the guidance of the Spirit and always for the good of the faithful and the Gospel mandate.
God is good, dear Reader. Welcome or Welcome back to Snailville.
Love the drawing–the perfect representation of the molasses-like ponderous-ness of the Church!
We need a “Like” button. Thanks Devin and hey!, your book arrived about an hour ago. Thanks.
Like. Hahaha!
Loved it Owen, made me grin. The sweet crush of obscurity that I thought may kill me,
That’s the one. I don’t know why, but when I was trying to explain to Steve how your contemplative nature is revealed in your art, this was the first image that popped into mind. Thanks for posting it!
Yes snailville praise God!
You have the address. 🙂
thanks Owen; enjoy reading your thoughts and experiences. will have to meet up for coffee sometime (maybe after the Eucharistic Congress!)
Deacon Chuck. Thank you. It would be wonderful to connect again in person. Our eldest daughter is on her way to the 50th EC and I can only say I am filled as green as the hills of Ireland with envy. I console myself on how wonderful it was to have been able to attend the last one in Quebec City with you and Fr. S.S. God bless your family and ministry and a blessed Pentecost Sunday to you.
Well Owen, make sure she makes herself known to me – i’ll be in Dublin – so will Fr. S.S. but with a different group.