Pray, hope, and don’t worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer. –St. Padre Pio

For a Catholic convert, many challenges and obstacles inevitably arise. Some are predictable, like the protestant pastor who must lay down his calling, or the life-long Christian who is now out-of-step with family and friends. Others suddenly appear just when the road to Rome seems clear. For me, RCIA was one of those obstacles.

I’ve recently picked up the guitar again, so I’ve been working on a few easy songs to add to our family prayer and praise time. These are pretty old and probably familiar to most. Easy for kids to sing and Mom to play! I’ve compiled them into a playlist to share. Check ’em out!

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading Deut 4:1-2, 6-8 Moses exhorteth the people to keep God’s commandments: particularly to fly idolatry. Appointeth three cities…