Sunday Snippets–A Catholic Blog Carnival

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It’s been a busy week here at Concrete Life. I posted about the role Salvation plays in our everyday life in Is Salvation Just an End Game Strategy? Steve illustrated the sociological difference between Catholicism and Protestantism in Order and Chaos. I tackled the context of 1Timothy 2:5 with One Body, One Mediator: It’s a Mystery. And I also shared my frustrations with trying to share my faith with my protestant family members in An Oliver Twist Kind of Faith. Addressing Catholics who have separated themselves from regular Mass attendance and the Christian life, I wrote The Father Waits. Steve followed with a description of The Normal Christian Life and addresses the peculiar items of belief that a protestant must hold in order to remain separated from Rome in Kingdom or Shadows. Other regularly occurring features included Catholic Quotes of the Day for September 10th, 12th, 13th, and 14th, Book Talk Tuesday–Introduction to the Devout Life, Part 2 Chapter 2, Focus on Scripture Friday (vol 27), and two more installments of Steve’s Reflections on Scripture, Genesis 8 and Genesis 9.