Over the last two decades I have been a collector of sin in various ways, only this time around much of the sin was not my own, but the sin of others. Like an accumulation of pain and heartbreak. From disappointments to private isolation, from betrayals to rejections.

See that you all follow the bishop, even as Jesus Christ does the Father, and the presbytery as you would the apostles; and reverence the…

Floods are coming upon the earth, but there is an Ark of God for our time in which we may find rest. The Barque of…

__________________________________________________________________ PART II. CONTAINING SUNDRY COUNSELS AS TO UPLIFTING THE SOUL TO GOD IN PRAYER AND THE USE OF THE SACRAMENTS. __________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER I. The…

The most difficult lesson I have ever learned is, of course, love. All humans crave love. This desire manifests in all sorts of strange ways,…

Be neither stubborn nor fickle. I have always noticed that fickle-minded people usually fail in all they do. –St. John Bosco