Corpus Christi First Reading Gen 3:9-15 And the Lord God called Adam, and said to him: Where art thou? [10] And he said: I heard…
Guest post by Owen Swain. A dear friend of mine, a blogger whom I actually met — in our kitchen, over a meal — a…
Steve gave me a book yesterday, Exorcism and the Church Militant. As I began reading today, I immediately encountered this passage, subtitled The Authority of…
The mask of self-determination can hide under anything, even God, especially God. My will be done, my Kingdom come is present in all of us…
It would seem I got a bit of a buzz over my Clarity article, for all the wrong reasons, but you must roll with…
Salvation is pure gift, and what is given to us from God? His very self, communicating to us as much as we can handle. Bring…
While Brian and I have eight kids, his brother and sister-in-law have none. One thing my brother-in-law finds endlessly fascinating is the who’s-crying-now game. When…
Trinity Sunday First Reading Deut 4:32-34, 39-40 [32] Ask of the days of old, that have been before thy time from the day that God…
Pentecost First Reading Acts 2:1-11 The disciples receive the Holy Ghost. Peter’s sermon to the people. The piety of the first converts. [1] And when…