CHAPTER XIX. On Confession. OUR Saviour has bequeathed the Sacrament of Penitence and Confession to His Church, [49] in order that therein we may be…
My appeal would be, do not judge the Catholic Church too hastily. Stand back and get a little perspective before you draw your conclusions. The…
We will either accuse ourselves or excuse ourselves. — St. John Vianney This is such a short quote, I tried looking for more context, but…
Guest post by Owen Swain. A long time Internet acquaintance wrote about overstepping the boundaries of friendship and the pain that resulted from such presumption….
Pictures, statues, altars, baptismal founts, holy water, pilgrimage, shrines, saints, doctors, mystics, nuns, brothers, martyrs, confessionals, priests, bishops, popes, Mary, hosts, chalices, dogma, councils, doctrine,…
I found this link to the “Easiest Plenary Indulgence” on the National Catholic Register site this morning. I’m considering driving out to the Shrine on Friday…