CHAPTER XXXIV. When to use such Amusements rightly. IF you would dance or play rightly, it must be done as a recreation, not as a…

CHAPTER XXXIII. Of Balls, and other Lawful but Dangerous Amusements. DANCES and balls are things in themselves indifferent, but the circumstances ordinarily surrounding them have…

CHAPTER XXXII. Of Forbidden Amusements. DICE, cards, and the like games of hazard, are not merely dangerous amusements, like dancing, but they are plainly bad…

CHAPTER XXXI. Of Amusements and Recreations: what are allowable. WE must needs occasionally relax the mind, and the body requires some recreation also. Cassian relates…

CHAPTER XXX. Further Counsels as to Conversation. LET your words be kindly, frank, sincere, straightforward, simple and true; avoid all artifice, duplicity and pretence, remembering…

CHAPTER XXIX. On Slander. FROM rash judgments proceed mistrust, contempt for others, pride, and self-sufficiency, and numberless other pernicious results, among which stands forth prominently…

CHAPTER XXVIII. Of Hasty Judgments. JUDGE not, and ye shall not be judged,” said the Saviour of our souls; “condemn not, and ye shall not…

CHAPTER XXVII. Of Unseemly Words, and the Respect due to Others. SAINT JAMES says, “If any man offend not in word, the same is, a…

CHAPTER XXVI. Of Conversation; and, first, how to Speak of God. PHYSICIANS judge to a great extent as to the health or disease of a…

CHAPTER XXV. On Modesty in Dress. S. PAUL expresses his desire that all Christian women should wear “modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety;” [125] –and…