CHAPTER II. Meditation on the Benefit conferred on us by God in calling us to His Service. 1. CONSIDER the points on which you are…

CHAPTER XV. An Illustration. LET me illustrate what I have said by an anecdote of Saint Bernard. It is common to most beginners in God’s…

CHAPTER XIV. Of Dryness and Spiritual Barrenness. SO much for what is to be done in times of spiritual consolations. But these bright days will…

Advent has become one of my favorite Liturgical seasons. After months of Ordinary Time, we change directions and start looking ahead. Our focus becomes preparation,…

CHAPTER XXXVII. Of Wishes. EVERYBODY grants that we must guard against the desire for evil things, since evil desires make evil men. But I say…

CHAPTER XXXV. We must be Faithful in Things Great and Small. THE Bridegroom of the Canticles says that the Bride has ravished His heart with…

Anxiety has bee plaguing me most of the summer. I know intellectually that God is calling me to a deeper trust in Him and rely…

CHAPTER XV. Of the other Public Offices of the Church. FURTHERMORE, my daughter, you should endeavour to assist at the Offices, Hours, Vespers, etc., as…

CHAPTER XIV. Of Holy Communion, and how to join in it. 1. SO far I have said nothing concerning the Sun of all spiritual exercises,…

The Warning It started with a dream an hour before my alarm went off. I was in a house, my house, and there was an…