CHAPTER VI. When Temptation and Delectation are Sin. THAT princess, whom we have already taken as an illustration, was not to blame in the unlawful…

CHAPTER II. The need of a Good Courage. HOWEVER much we may admire and crave for light, it is apt to dazzle our eyes when…

CHAPTER XXIV. Of Society and Solitude. EITHER to seek or to shun society is a fault in one striving to lead a devout life in…

CHAPTER XIV. On Poverty of Spirit amid Riches. “BLESSED are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of God;” [97] and if so,…

CHAPTER X. We must attend to the Business of Life carefully, but without Eagerness or Over-anxiety. THE care and diligence due to our ordinary business…

I’ve done the unthinkable the last few months, I have attempted to remove my private experience of God, or what I think is God and…

CHAPTER XVIII. How to receive Inspirations. BY inspirations I mean all drawings, feelings, interior reproaches, lights and intuitions, with which God moves us, preventing our…

Sometimes when I talk to protestants, I feel like Oliver Twist sticking out his bowl and asking, “Please, sir, can I have more?” I’m hungry!…

Guest post by Noah Simmons. I went to a Catholic retreat about two months ago and out of all the people there, one girl stood…

Guest post by Noah Simmons. Hey guys, I’m really excited to be apart of this group blog. I’ll be posting just poems and thoughts I…