Conversion Reflections

Conversion Reflections

In my thoughts on my encounters with Mary, ever virgin, I mentioned we must weigh our religious encounters with other faithful witnesses that have gone before us. Obviously, the magisterium has the final word in regards to universal statements of faith, but we do have the freedom to push in. I found myself in good company,  two saints of the Church in particular stand out in their apostolic understanding of the Mother of God  and the nature of her work as history pushes to the climax of space and time.  These are some thoughts of two great saints, St. Louis Marie de Monfort  and St. Maximilan MariaKolbe.

 “ The end times bring the full revelation of Mary, not in the sense of a deeper abstract knowledge, but insofar as we will experience her presence.  She will be revealed in her merciful love toward sinners, in her battle against the enemies of God, and in her support of the faithful disciples of Christ: “In these end times Mary must shine forth more than ever in mercy, power and grace” (TD 50, 6).  The Mother of God is a spiritual leader and teacher for the apostles of the end times, particularly the Missionaries of the Company of Mary.  Montfort affirms this by applying to Mary the symbolism of the mountain: those who live in her grow in holiness and learn of contemplation and intercession.  They are introduced to the logic of the evangelical beatitudes and participate in the mysteries of Christ that took place on the mountain: the Transfiguration, the Crucifixion, and the Ascension (PM 25).”

For a fuller, more complete understanding of St. Louis Demonfort’s thoughts see

One of my heroes of sanctified love is St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe.  When he was a young boy he saw the Blessed Virgin. She held two crowns before him– one was white and the other red.  She asked him which one He wanted.  His response to her was I’ll take both. He went on to be a Martyr of self-giving love literally giving his life for another out of his own initiation and free choice. His vision was a Marian vision, doctrine ablaze with heaven. Their is no easy path but to press into love. For a deep calling to deep reflection see

Fantastic Tales of Conversion part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4.