I Shall Not be Moved
I know, friends, what it is to take a stand. Satan surrounds, even in the darkness of night. Oppression so terrible, you’d think you’d die. But faith keeps you unmoved. The Father of Lies whispers then shoots in for an attack, you feel the pain bodily or emotionally it does not matter to him. A true pragmatist is the devil.
You are the ones that temptation of sin has lost its flavor. No more pleasure, so his only recourse is pain. Pain from within, pain from without. All we can do is fall in the garden with our Lord, even to drops of blood. It will pass, even with a naked faith with no comfort from heaven in that moment. But know this, the comfort will come. It always does. And if it doesn’t, God has found a hero of love in you.
Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but principalities and powers in high places. And he will come to sift you as wheat but know this, our great High Priest has prayed for us, and he will keep you in the hollow of His hand, as the apple of His eye.
Oh Lord, keep us from the hour of temptation, even to the shedding of our blood for the sake of your great love and mercy. Who can separate us from the love of Christ, not even the powers of hell calling forth crucify him. For we’ve already been crucified with Christ and it is no longer We that live but the Christ of our love living through us to the praise of His glory. We simply are fellowshipping with our Lord for the redemption of the world, offering the sweet aroma of sacrificial service to our Lord.
So come the raging storm of the powers of fallen angels, for the Lord God Himself will stand in our stead and say, “Leave him,” as they shriek in terror before His mighty angels.
Be encouraged, the enemy attacks those he fears, the ones who have begun to believe that they are more than conquers through Him who loved them. Resist the devil and He will flee, command Him in the name of Jesus Christ to be gone from you. That name! Anything but that name! In the hour that you wish to roll over and do nothing, that is the moment when faith moves beyond feeling, and you arise in a most holy faith and command the devils of hell to leave you in the name of Jesus Christ.
He who walked upon the seas, Commands you! He who bore our burdens, Commands you! He who rose again, Commands you! Stand off, Satan, for the mighty Christ is my victor, His blood and love is mine, you have no place here. Be gone!
Be not afraid!