Birthing of the Kingdom

JoetheLion at Flickr
Christ meets his bride clothed in white and they become one flesh in the sacrament of the altar. For every action, there is a reaction.
What could this be but the birth pains of the eternal Kingdom, when we begin to see the rider on the white horse that is faithful and true? Revivals throughout history could be likened to a woman.
First conception, when God becomes one with His people, the first Pentecost. And friends, it came through the preaching of the word and then the sacrament of the waters of life. But first the outpouring of God, always the prevenient grace and love of God, He is the beginning and end and everything in between. And we are lifted up into the celebration of the beatific vision and carried along by faith, hope, and love to our desired end where the sun never sets, for there is no sun, for the Lamb fills all things with light.
Pentecost comes through the foolishness of the word spoken. Over and over again, Pentecost comes through our prayers. Pentecost comes through the fire of God where the early seers are like embers that never let the fire die, always a remnant, always a Teresa of Avila, always a John of the cross, keeping watch over the sacred flame.
Between the intervals of the seers keeping watch, a flame erupts and burns hot to catch every cold thing ablaze. These are the shining stars, the doctors, the heralds of grace, these are the Braxton-Hicks, or for us men, false labor to prepare the woman for birth. But make no mistake, it is real for furthering the Kingdom. And finally the whole world is covered from every tribe, tongue and nation–a woman prepared as a bride for her bride groom, millions upon millions, a sea of love waiting for the King of Kings.
Our late head, the weeping man groaned, as one keeping watch as seer and herald, prophet of a new Pentecost has prepared the way, standing with Moses unable to cross but the first to see what was coming, a mighty deliverance from the land of slavery to a land flowing with milk and honey. Be assured, John Paul will find his Joshua’s. For the Kingdom of God shall be in you.
Shall the labor pains see the water break? Or are we still in preparation for the baby to be born. God only knows the day and hour, but this we do know, a fresh wind is coming to renew the face of the Church and it shall be brought about by heaven and nothing else.
For every action there is a reaction, when love of a bride clothed in white meets the King on the altar the two shall become one flesh. What grace for the world, what life, what power, the glory of God will spill over humanity in a way never before seen! Always going from glory to glory, individually and corporally. The bride in heaven and the bride on earth are ready to give birth to eternity. If a hundred and twenty could change the world over two millennia, what could millions upon millions clothed in white in perfect union with her Eucharistic King do in a day?