Update: I am not an author but a man on fire with the Holy Spirit and the immaculate heart of Mary. Most of what…

The New Evangelism is brought about by the hosts of heaven, by the woman clothed with the sun, by the blood of the…

I believe something wonderful is coming. Gospel power is about to be ignited in the Church. It will be felt by multitudes. It will effect…

A new evangelization takes evangelists, Gospel power through the foolishness of preaching. Simplicity of the gospel under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit is the…

Sometimes as a Church I think we have too much, like kids that have so many toys they stop valuing them. So much governance, so…

Penance brings power, Contrition brings Kingdom, repentance brings restoration. We want a new evangelization within the Church; we need a new repentance. Repent, for the…

“The Church has failed to implement Gaudium et Spes.” This was my first locution and if I’m a betting man it will be my last. …

The dearth of catechesis in the previous few decades has caused no little amount of consternation in the present day. And rightly so. An uncatechized…

God, I pray that you would heal the Church, bearing her wounds in your Sacred Heart. Hold not back your tender mercies toward her. Remember…

Ego Bust To become Catholic you become so small Your theological convictions are trumped by another You become a part of the lay class You…