As much as you would like to constrain the issue to simply one of relative morality–the choice of morals which one will live by–our concern…

This is the article that stirred me up enough to revive the old blog: I Look at My Students and See Our Future Ex-Catholics. The…

You are saved by faith in Jesus Christ Sanctified by faith in Jesus Christ Glorified by faith in Jesus Christ Made perfect by faith in…

We are the last generation. Adam came, Abraham came, Moses came,and finally Jesus came. And from that moment, we have been the last. The Apostles…

Has there ever been a time with greater access to truth? We have the knowledge of the whole world–the vastness of space, the infinitesimal perfection…

Sometimes as a Church I think we have too much, like kids that have so many toys they stop valuing them. So much governance, so…

Penance brings power, Contrition brings Kingdom, repentance brings restoration. We want a new evangelization within the Church; we need a new repentance. Repent, for the…

Repent, for the harvest is near! The Kingdom is here. It is time, it is our hour to arise and shine like the sun, that…

The dearth of catechesis in the previous few decades has caused no little amount of consternation in the present day. And rightly so. An uncatechized…

1 Dust alone will not do 2 The waters of life to mold 3 The labor of the Potter 4 Time and saturation 5 You…