The True Battle
Becoming a Catholic is the most natural thing any lover of Jesus Christ could ever do. Seriously, we need to lay down our unbelief and recognize our real enemy. Satan is a formidable foe; lies and deceit are his craft.
Think of it like this, all this pressure is pushing against a makeshift dam. The whole Christian world wants Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, even if they are cognitively unaware of their desire. If they are true lovers of the Lord they are thirsting for it. They were made for it–hard-wired to feast on the Lamb of God. The Holy Spirit is pushing them toward it.
So what can we do? Tell that damn dam to be thou removed in Jesus name. Break the yoke of slavery. Crush the lies of the enemy. Our struggle is not in the intellect, but with hell itself! Anything but the Lamb, so says the evil one. Cause division in the mind, conflict in the mind. Use the holy books against them. Boy, that’s not too original. I think we read about that tactic.
It’s as natural for Christians to want the Lord’s Table as a child longs for the mother’s milk, or kids after pizza.
This truth is not intellect, but life from the dead. Unless you eat the Son of Man than you have no life within you. I think Protestants share in the Lord’s Table by desire, likened to the man on the cross being saved without baptism, but saved by the desire for it.
If they are true sons and daughters of Abraham then we shall be able to get through to them through the power of the Holy Spirit. For how the Lord longs to share this with them.
They are His by virtue of faith and baptism. They are amongst the beloved. Many of them walk in a spirit of goodwill, just like the Jews hearing the message of the savior. In fact more times than not, conversion stories are often surrounded by the Lamb of God. Many could testify the Eucharist drove them into the Catholic Church, and intellect followed, grappling with areas of unbelief.
So it is with our brethren. Bring them to Eucharist, when they cry, I believe, help my unbelief, be there for them to work it out. That is Catholic faith and morals. We would do well not to get the cart before the horse.
The Eucharist is power and life; it is nothing short of God Himself. Wrap your heart around what I’m saying and your evangelistic efforts shall change fundamentally. Theological debate shall turn into life and resurrection for those that have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches.
“When I am lifted up I shall draw all men unto me.” Salvation is a gift; revelation of Jesus Christ is a gift. Debating over doctrine is useful, as much as it leads to revelation. And in this case it is the revelation of Jesus Christ on the altars of the Catholic Church.
I hear much said about Catholics not knowing their faith enough to defend it well. I think we should redefine what it is to know the faith. Not that we should not study to show ourselves approved, but only as faith seeking understanding.
What we need is testimony from the depths of the heart of the source and summit of our Catholic faith–behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. We need a Eucharistic witness that is on fire with the gospel. If this does not warn the heart of a departed brethren, then no amount of academic pursuits shall win them over. If the Holy Spirit can’t break through the fog of unbelief, your feeble attempts at reason shall not prevail.
Eucharist as power shall win the day! Preach Christ crucified, made present in time and space, and watch heaven celebrate. The Lord is with us. Do not give too much thought on what you shall say, for the Lord will go with you if they have the Holy Spirit within them to hear.
What does the Holy Spirit do but reveal Jesus Christ? Eucharist is gospel, power made flesh, and the foolishness of the gospel is the power of God unto salvation. Eucharist is Gospel and Gospel is Eucharist.
My body is real food and my blood is real drink. This is where we strike the earth. This is where the angel of the Lord shall come. This is where Satan trembles, where the dam of lies topples over and the Promised Land waits.