Thank You Wife

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My wife has spoken two prophetic words in my life that relate to commissioning, to one and the same call. The first was given years ago; literally minutes later I fulfilled the prophetic word given. Everything she said happened, she saw me walk through a translucent door full of light, and I can testify that word is as true and real as the God that poured out power, commission, and call to preach the word of Christ with power from on high.
The second word to me was given 11-18-11. She has testified that the manifestation of the Spirit when given held the same weight as the first word.
This is her word that she believes was from the Lord:
“Come into His river of peace, pure blue. Let it take you where it will. He is ready to unleash His river into rapids and waterfalls of grace and favor. You don’t have to DO anything but be carried along by it.
The Lord is pleased with you. He says, ‘Behold, here is a vessel worthy of use. Behold, a heart that has been broken, has suffered rejection, abuse, yet you have submitted yourself to the pain and have been broken with sacrificial love, humility, and a humble heart. My heart has been filled with compassion and love for you through this, but I could not shield you from any of the process. It had to work through you. My heart has been broken with love for you but this painful process was the only way for your vessel to be purified and broken in selfless love. Behold – THIS is a heart that can hold the work that I desire to unleash through you.
Prepare, for there is a wind coming and you will be my wind tunnel, my wind turbine–harnessing and directing My Spirit–to unleash upon the nations. I see in you a humble heart that is able to stretch to the capacity that is required to unleash, contain, and direct the movement that is coming.
I am so proud of you. You come to the banquet table and take the lowest place, My heart swells with love and pride. Come sit at my right hand, I have a place of honor reserved for you. A wind storm is coming; My Spirit will be unleashed in a way that you cannot imagine. A way in which you have not yet experienced. You walked through and were covered with My glory.
But behold, a time is now coming in which the glory and power of God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and The Holy Spirit will be unleashed within you! The brightness and powerful glory exudes such an intense brightness that people will respond with repentance and love OR will turn away and gnash their teeth. Be prepared, do not take anything to heart, but know that My Spirit is with you and My movement will be unleashed through whom I am well pleased.’”
This is a time of transition from words spoken to a word fulfilled. With me impossible, but with God all things are possible to those who believe, and why not. God chooses the weak things to confound the strong.