The Dawn that ever Rises

jiri at Flickr
Repent, for the harvest is near! The Kingdom is here. It is time, it is our hour to arise and shine like the sun, that the morning dew may spring fourth and shout with joy. Heaven awaits. Mary is singing the song of your salvation over you, “my soul declares the greatness of the Lord, my soul declares the greatness of the Lord.”
Arise, Bride of the Lamb. Shake off your slumber, declares the Lord. Awaken, fortify your walls, make ready your doors, for your household shall burst fourth in song. Your shame shall turn to joy. I have a name, written in heaven, robed in light. I have a word spoken and it is over your name. The name above every name. The name that never sleeps or slumbers; the name that works and has been working to see the culmination of heavens joy.
Fire and light, heat and love, this is the hour, this is my love. Chosen in time, chosen in space, a workmanship made ready for the whole human race. Sun rises, day dawns, the morning glory rises, here it comes. An awakening of resurrection light, to brighten the day and brighten the night. Hold on, hold fast; piercing sweet love, this is a blast. Strength, might, glory, chariots, thundering, churning of heavens dread roar, unfathomable to the world–are you ready for more?
The sleeper has awakened from the dawn of day, the moon rises in the east, this is the way. Shackled by night’s day, workmanship of the cross, bellows of night fall prey to the day, the strong arm of heaven raised to the cross. My love, my life, my lord, one word spoken: yes, Lord. To do your command, to walk in the night, burning with heat, for I am the light under your feet, no darkness shall take me, for I fear not the day, for the sun rises to light my way.
Master, Creator, Redeemer and friend, my Lord and my God to the end. It is I that called you, declares the Lord, go forth from Zion, fellow friend. Work, for the harvest is plenty and my labor shall end. The day and the hour, you do not know, but I am the spring time and summer that never ends. I am the light of the world that never bends. I am the spring rain that ever falls; I am the delight of man that ever calls. Fortress of light unlock your doors; night is falling open the doors. Welcome all come that may, but be a light to show the way. My great love the fortress the door, open wide heaven’s gates to close no more. The sound of my name like the spring rain, the sound of my voice redemption’s name.
Blow the trumpet in Zion for this is the call, blow the trumpet in Zion for this is the call! The foolishness of the word spoken shall open the door, the foolishness of love spoken, this is the call. Ambassadors of light to show the way, ambassadors of night to show the day. I am the way, the truth, and the life declares the Lord, to the end, friends, to the end.