CHAPTER IX. On Gentleness towards Ourselves. ONE important direction in which to exercise gentleness, is with respect to ourselves, never growing irritated with one’s self…

CHAPTER VIII. Gentleness towards others and Remedies against Anger. THE holy Chrism, used by the Church according to apostolic tradition, is made of olive oil…

Viva Il Papa! From the life of St. Francis: Later he was in the Chapel of San Damiano and heard God’s voice speak clearly to…

CHAPTER VII. How to combine due care for a Good Reputation with Humility. PRAISE, honour, and glory are not bestowed on men for ordinary, but…

CHAPTER VI. Humility makes us rejoice in our own Abjection. BUT, my daughter, I am going a step further, and I bid you everywhere and…

Steven’s face shining like the sun and the religious response, ”stone him!”. Religious people took his mortal life. Elijah the Tishbite demonstrated…