CHAPTER IV. Examination of the Soul’s Condition as regards God. 1. WHAT is the aspect of your heart with respect to mortal sin? Are you…

CHAPTER VII. Remedies for Great Occasions. SO soon as you feel yourself anywise tempted, do as our little children when they see a wolf or…

Advent has become one of my favorite Liturgical seasons. After months of Ordinary Time, we change directions and start looking ahead. Our focus becomes preparation,…

CHAPTER XXIV. Of Society and Solitude. EITHER to seek or to shun society is a fault in one striving to lead a devout life in…

CHAPTER XXIII. On The Practice of Bodily Mortification. IT has been said that if one writes a word on an almond, and then replace it…

Friendships have developed with two Priests particularly, they both are apostolic at heart. Father Andrew has a vision to revive pilgrimage, a real bond of…

The blood of Christ has been shed over all creation, only unbelief blinds us to it. Your soul is covered in the…

I’ve done the unthinkable the last few months, I have attempted to remove my private experience of God, or what I think is God and…

The Lord had a prophet put His hand on my head a decade ago, and said amongst other things: “humble yourself, humble yourself ,…

The greatest evidence for the Christian faith is the founder. In fact, if it were not true it would be beyond belief. Mystics of the…