The spouse of Christ cannot be defiled; she is uncorrupted and chaste. She knows one home . . . Does anyone believe that this unity…
by Elijah Simmons There are those in the Christian family who have a strange ideal about the nature of the Church. They believe that Christ…
The holy universal Church is one Body, constituted under Jesus Christ its Head … Therefore, Christ, with His whole Church, both that which is still…
Christ started a Church He chose leaders; in fact he stayed up all night choosing them They in turn chose leaders; these leaders chose leaders…
For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son…who made Himself a perfect sacrifice, that through the cross, our sins may be redeemed. This is the beginning and the end of the Christian life, but we were originally created to be more than we are now.
Silly Christians-with-a-little-c, selfless love is the only thing that I know of that can see the Kingdom. So why do we come up against a brick wall when we dialogue with our protestant brethren? Because the Me of self love within them is sitting on the throne.
Over the last two decades I have been a collector of sin in various ways, only this time around much of the sin was not my own, but the sin of others. Like an accumulation of pain and heartbreak. From disappointments to private isolation, from betrayals to rejections.
Floods are coming upon the earth, but there is an Ark of God for our time in which we may find rest. The Barque of…
The most difficult lesson I have ever learned is, of course, love. All humans crave love. This desire manifests in all sorts of strange ways,…
The soul hungers for God, and nothing but God can satiate it. Therefore He came to dwell on earth and assumed a Body in order…