The other morning my four year old Son walks into my room and tells me He had a dream about me. Really, God, a four…

“Christ had a specific evangelizing goal in mind when he prayed at the Last Supper that all his disciples ‘be one…The Church’s evangelizing mission, therefore,…

“One of the promising indications of a renewal in the Church’s missionary consciousness in recent decades, has been the growing desire of many lay men…

Christ meets his bride clothed in white and they become one flesh in the sacrament of the altar. For every action, there is a reaction….

It is never safe to play it safe. To do God’s will in our lives takes faith, even the faith of a child. If we…

“Lord Jesus, Who in the Eucharist make your dwelling among us and become our traveling companion, sustain our Christian communities so that they may…

Do not be afraid to be saints. Follow Jesus Christ who is the source of freedom and light. Be open to the Lord so that…

St. John Bosco saw visions in the night, this particular one being his most famous that I think JP II took to heart, the photo…

He is the most influential man on the face of the earth, the chief shepherd entrusted with the keys, the steward of the household of…