God, I pray that you would heal the Church, bearing her wounds in your Sacred Heart. Hold not back your tender mercies toward her. Remember…

O Jesus! meek and humble of heart, Hear me. I don’t like this Litany. It just seems wrong to my humanity at times From the…

Pray, hope, and don’t worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer. –St. Padre Pio

I’ve recently picked up the guitar again, so I’ve been working on a few easy songs to add to our family prayer and praise time. These are pretty old and probably familiar to most. Easy for kids to sing and Mom to play! I’ve compiled them into a playlist to share. Check ’em out!

I’ve walked this long, bloody road of love to the Kingdom. I can testify that people that are near me for any length of time…

OK, everyone, why all the pain, tragedy after tragedy, disappointment after disappointment? Why do so many lives sound like a country song? I’ve shared my…

How to pray? This is a simple matter. I would say: Pray any way you like, so long as you do pray.–Pope John Paul II

One of the deep treasures of the Catholic Church is the heritage of prayers that have been handed down from those who have gone before…

Ignoring oppression will not make it flea. In fact, the attack will be compounded. If you are a Christian in complete armor you are armed…