


There’s this part in Dune that I would like to take hold of as ours in faith, oh children of Abraham, “The sleeper has awakened!”

Spirit of the Lord, come with the dynamite of your Immaculata!  Waves of the fire, a living flame of love, let the phoenix arise from the flames from above.

Saints of the highest God, believe and we shall behold His wonders!  Wait in the upper room.  The Kingdom came in the upper room, a hope restored, for the gates of hell shall not prevail against us.

Despair has been crushed underfoot. He has won, the virgin has overcome, and the saints pushed in and won the day even to the shedding of their own blood.  We stand with them together with heaven to win this battle through the might of the Christ.

You are enthroned, oh great King.  You will find faith in your little flock of love, faithful at the virgin’s side.  Neither tempest or storm or dark shadows in the night shall stop us.  Nothing, no power of hell shall move us.  We stand upon the rock of ages who is our fortress King.

Blow the trumpet in Zion!  Sound the alarm on my holy mountain, the Lord, our Lord, rules the earth.  With a command He slays the serpent with his hordes of hell to the underworld, Michael the great prince, ready for battle with His legion of Light, stand to make war on our behalf.

St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle, against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke Him, we humbly pray.

God, you are our God!  You shall not see your house become a byword amongst the nations.  We cry to thee, Lord, have mercy on your people, hear our cry.

For the sake of your sorrowful passion, for the sake of your sorrowful passion, for the sake of your sorrowful passion, have mercy! Mercy!  God, we cry to you mercy, see our anointed tears of love for you and your Church. Mercy!