There is something about the Western mind that just cannot be content with mystery. Eastern Churches do this much better, but we Westerners need to…

Being convinced of the truth of the Catholic faith is one thing. Living the fullness of the faith after a protestant upbringing, is another. One…

Converts and Reverts, many of us come from a Protestant evangelical background, culture, and worldview that is hardly conducive to the migration process. I’d like…

“Lord Jesus, Who in the Eucharist make your dwelling among us and become our traveling companion, sustain our Christian communities so that they may…

My appeal would be, do not judge the Catholic Church too hastily. Stand back and get a little perspective before you draw your conclusions. The…

CHAPTER XIII. FIFTH MEDITATION. Of Death. Preparation. 1. PLACE yourself in the Presence of God. 2. Ask His Grace. 3. Suppose yourself to be on…

I am a Christian. I read almost twenty years ago that it takes twenty years to make a man of God. Now I don’t know…

Today’s Office of Readings at divineoffice.org excerpt from a treatise on the Gospel of Saint Matthew by Saint Chromatius, bishop: If we fail to live…

Summer’s arrived, even here on the lake shore of Lake Michigan, in our naturally air-conditioned city. It’s time for frosty, yummy treats. I managed to…

Guest post by Noah Simmons. In every person that ever was and ever will be there has always been the great desire for two…