Do you really know the living Jesus – not from books but from being with Him in your heart? Have you heard the loving words…
Where is the seat of wisdom in man? Where is the micro battle in his person waged? What is the treasure that heaven and hell…
The other morning my four year old Son walks into my room and tells me He had a dream about me. Really, God, a four…
Imagine a war in heaven. Imagine God establishing a Kingdom on earth, where men are vulnerable to themselves, and a great evil that at one…
Christians that live in their head, you would think amongst many that we are not in a war of good versus evil, where we are…
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading Ezek 2:2-5 [2] And the spirit entered into me after that he spoke to me, and he set…
“Christ had a specific evangelizing goal in mind when he prayed at the Last Supper that all his disciples ‘be one…The Church’s evangelizing mission, therefore,…
Fear causes us to retreat into a place of comfort. Humans are fallible and we are slow to trust anyone. The frightening thing in all…
“One of the promising indications of a renewal in the Church’s missionary consciousness in recent decades, has been the growing desire of many lay men…
Christ meets his bride clothed in white and they become one flesh in the sacrament of the altar. For every action, there is a reaction….