Penance brings power, Contrition brings Kingdom, repentance brings restoration. We want a new evangelization within the Church; we need a new repentance. Repent, for the…

Repent, for the harvest is near! The Kingdom is here. It is time, it is our hour to arise and shine like the sun, that…

The dearth of catechesis in the previous few decades has caused no little amount of consternation in the present day. And rightly so. An uncatechized…

“The Church has failed to implement Gaudium et Spes.” This was my first locution and if I’m a betting man it will be my last. …

God, I pray that you would heal the Church, bearing her wounds in your Sacred Heart. Hold not back your tender mercies toward her. Remember…

CHAPTER IX. Concerning Dryness in Meditation. SHOULD it happen sometimes, my daughter, that you have no taste for or consolation in your meditation, I entreat…

Ego Bust To become Catholic you become so small Your theological convictions are trumped by another You become a part of the lay class You…

God is simply attempting the impossible within us, that we would be made perfect in one thing and one thing alone. All endeavors within us…

In the midst of an affliction of turmoil, I took an impromptu web fast. I think it was just the thing, to set down the…