CHAPTER XXV. On Modesty in Dress. S. PAUL expresses his desire that all Christian women should wear “modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety;” [125] –and…

When I set up this blog during Lent, I had some idea that it may turn into a group effort. I’d like to introduce fellow…

I know it is Easter, but I have a few last words for the Lent that is past. I’ve been Catholic for 8 years this…

The problem of Judas Iscariot has always puzzled me. What in the world caused him to turn on the Christ after witnessing all the miracles,…

Note: I’m reposting this as I finally figured out how to embed the playlist. Here’s the playlist tutorial, if anyone else needs help! One week…

My little 6 year old son was working on his reading homework with me one afternoon, and when I insisted he read something he didn’t…

I found this link to the “Easiest Plenary Indulgence” on the National Catholic Register site this morning. I’m considering driving out to the Shrine on Friday…

Do you ever find yourself watching television and noticing certain words get bleeped, but other offensive language gets a pass? As a parent, this sort…

I was unexpectedly favored with a visit with Our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration this past weekend. I am fortunate to live near the only officially…