The impression I have gotten from most references to the “New Evangelization” is to new media. As technology evolves and changes, we need to access…

I held Him in my arms and began to shake, my son, lifeless and still warm. I kissed him and told him that I loved…

My brethren in Christ never cease to amaze me. Perhaps they are some of the most illogical souls that I can’t help but love but…

The thought of the presence of God and the spirit of worship will in all my actions have as their immediate object Jesus, God and…

Veneration has to do with respect and honor, while adoration belongs to the God we worship in love. All of us show veneration to persons…

Where is the seat of wisdom in man? Where is the micro battle in his person waged? What is the treasure that heaven and hell…

My Lord and my God. In agony, the suffering of a bloody Lord is the only remedy of a broken heart. Often I have imagined…

The flesh of God torn asunder; can theological concepts even come close? Can my intellect take it in? Is salvation brought about by a proper…

I think these two things are the most similar of all things, that is, in how human beings pursue them. Everyone would like to have them…

“Come to My Wounds with hearts burning with love, and make the aspirations with great fervor that you may obtain the graces and favors you…