The body is wounded. Broken for our transgressions. Presented for our healing. And divided again by our iniquities. A voice cries out in the wilderness:…

Guest post by Owen Swain. A dear friend of mine, a blogger whom I actually met — in our kitchen, over a meal — a…

When the Holy Spirit stirs the heart, who can refuse? While adding three new authors in one week may seem hasty, I am very excited…

I know it is Easter, but I have a few last words for the Lent that is past. I’ve been Catholic for 8 years this…

This post should rightly be a praise, and yet emotionally I feel lament. As such, it is an illumination on my interior disposition. A little…

Our financial situation has been weighing on me for the last few months. We are far from in our worst straits. We have come quite…

This is surely what we read in the Proverbs of Solomon: If you sit down to eat at the table of a ruler, observe carefully…

My little 6 year old son was working on his reading homework with me one afternoon, and when I insisted he read something he didn’t…