Hooray! Archbishop Chaput and the New Evangelism

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I believe God is raising up a new, holy generation of Bishops and Priests in our Church, and it is encouraging to see the signs! Archbishop Chaput is quoted in the NCRegister today:
“The task of preaching, teaching, growing and living the Catholic faith in our time, in this country, belongs to you and me. No one else can do it,” he told the crowd gathered outside the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. “The future depends on God, but he builds it with the living stones we give him by the example of our lives.” During his remarks, he said Christians must rediscover God’s joy, “radiate” God’s word, and make their Christian witness “frank and contagious.”
Yes, yes and yes! We have, for far too long, sat quietly in our pews, communing with Our Lord privately, confusing tolerance of all sorts of immorality with peace. But here in our little community, we’re hoping for something more, something different. We’re looking for a stirring of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the Catholic faithful which will spur on a new Pentecost. It’s time for the implementation of Gaudium et Spes! We need to reawaken the militancy of the Church on the earth. Let’s together reclaim our birthrights by living out the Christian life. And let’s imitate Oliver Twist, begging the Lord, “Please, may I have more?”