The Lord had a prophet put His hand on my head a decade ago, and said amongst other things: “humble yourself, humble yourself ,…

A man claimed to be God come in the flesh. He claimed to set the captives free. He claimed He was a King and that…

__________________________________________________________________ PART III. CONTAINING COUNSELS CONCERNING THE PRACTICE OF VIRTUE. __________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER I. How to select that which we should chiefly Practise. THE queen bee…

Things are simply what they are. I am a subject given the faculty of reason and person-hood. I may have a difficult time with self knowledge,…

The greatest evidence for the Christian faith is the founder. In fact, if it were not true it would be beyond belief. Mystics of the…

{Blowing the dust off the blog…} The long-time mantra of the pro-choice movement is to make every child a wanted child. It’s hard to argue…

CHAPTER XXI. How to Communicate. BEGIN your preparation over-night, by sundry aspirations and loving ejaculations. Go to bed somewhat earlier than usual, so that you…

Imagine God speaking a language, in five different dialects and it takes an open heart to hear everything God has to say. But most of us…

CHAPTER XX. Of Frequent Communion. IT is said that Mithridates, King of Pontus, who invented the poison called after him, mithridate, so thoroughly impregnated his…

CHAPTER XIX. On Confession. OUR Saviour has bequeathed the Sacrament of Penitence and Confession to His Church, [49] in order that therein we may be…