Anxiety has bee plaguing me most of the summer. I know intellectually that God is calling me to a deeper trust in Him and rely…

I haven’t been fully forthcoming with you, dear Readers. This blog is a stretching exercise for me. I’m not very practiced with verbalizing and sharing…

As a Catholic, I am permitted to believe in macro-evolution, of course with God being the source of the process, but I don’t think I…

What is it with God and the last hour? Is it our desperation that provokes a level of faith most could not otherwise tap into?…

Too much mud (and worse!) has been slung amongst Christians over images. Last Sunday at Mass, my youngest daughters and I, ages 4, 1 and…

It’s been over twenty years since I gave my life to Christ. I’ve told many stories about my travels toward the Kingdom. But this story…

I had a dream last night, and well, it seems the Lord may be challenging every area in my life. I’m in this muscle car…

Once upon a time, there was a boy. He was a young boy, barely into the double digits. But he did a horrible thing and…

I have been given twelve children; the first two are sons. I think I was bit rough around the edges in my early day for…

I held Him in my arms and began to shake, my son, lifeless and still warm. I kissed him and told him that I loved…