My Lord and my God. In agony, the suffering of a bloody Lord is the only remedy of a broken heart. Often I have imagined…

I’ve lost my first born son on the feast of St. John, The first of twelve. I think I said more expletives yesterday than I…

It is never safe to play it safe. To do God’s will in our lives takes faith, even the faith of a child. If we…

Gray day is mine it was expected to shine, the night comes her faded white dress hovers over her clouded shame could this be my…

The tides of western civilization are adrift; a new world order is taking shape since the fall of Kings. Where man as individual and collective…

I think these two things are the most similar of all things, that is, in how human beings pursue them. Everyone would like to have them…

Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. I’ve rowed and I’ve surfed; they are two different creatures. In fact, the type of…

I like rules. Rules give me order, regularity, firm principles and guidance. I mentioned before that I have often begun my Lenten observance with a…

OK, mop in hand. Now what? Start cleaning kids; know your limitations. How to clean–where can I start? Let’s start with ourselves. Can I will…

The Church is the deposit of faith, in which all the riches of truth regarding faith and practice are to be had; all we must…