When the Holy Spirit stirs the heart, who can refuse? While adding three new authors in one week may seem hasty, I am very excited…

Piggy backing on my experience Saturday evening, I was more than eager to spend time with Him in Adoration on Sunday night. As I knelt…

Pictures, statues, altars, baptismal founts, holy water, pilgrimage, shrines, saints, doctors, mystics, nuns, brothers, martyrs, confessionals, priests, bishops, popes, Mary, hosts, chalices, dogma, councils, doctrine,…

Having some technology issues today, which will delay the next chapter in my conversion story. If you will, please pray for my son who will…

“If, today, you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.” For those unfamiliar with the Liturgy of the Hours (or Divine Office), this is a…

Our financial situation has been weighing on me for the last few months. We are far from in our worst straits. We have come quite…

This Lent, I have been feeling a closeness to God and renewed joy and peace despite a hectic home life and one year old twins (read:…

I did manage to make my plenary indulgence last Friday. Following that, I have experienced a level of peace and joy that I haven’t in…