CHAPTER VII. Remedies for Great Occasions. SO soon as you feel yourself anywise tempted, do as our little children when they see a wolf or…

I’ve recently picked up the guitar again, so I’ve been working on a few easy songs to add to our family prayer and praise time. These are pretty old and probably familiar to most. Easy for kids to sing and Mom to play! I’ve compiled them into a playlist to share. Check ’em out!

No blinders. No closing of the eyes. Let us look straight into reality and draw our conclusion. Church history is no prettier than the average…

The thought of the presence of God and the spirit of worship will in all my actions have as their immediate object Jesus, God and…

Veneration has to do with respect and honor, while adoration belongs to the God we worship in love. All of us show veneration to persons…

Christians that live in their head, you would think amongst many that we are not in a war of good versus evil, where we are…

Being convinced of the truth of the Catholic faith is one thing. Living the fullness of the faith after a protestant upbringing, is another. One…