What I will not do is show proof text, early church Fathers; give clear cut historic evidence, for that is a pretty air tight case…

It would seem after years of being hidden, the Lord at this time has sought to release me in my charism, most certainly in an…

In my thoughts on my encounters with Mary, ever virgin, I mentioned we must weigh our religious encounters with other faithful witnesses that have gone…

Building on the topic that we are always being converted, I wish to share a vision I had just over a year ago that I…

One great thing about being Catholic is that conversion is more than a single event, but rather an entire life lived under heaven before the…

I simply can’t help myself my story makes me break out in a smile; it would be hilarious if it were not me I was…

When one tells their story it’s like snap shots of key moments in life, our blog is about the beauty of Catholicism so I suppose…