Earlier this week, I was struck by the magnitude of the articles of belief in the Incarnation and Holy Eucharist. Truly, by human comprehension these…
A woman clothed with the sun calls forth from the ends of the earth, “Penance, penance, penance!” A fire never seen enflames the earth; the deserts…
Piggy backing on my experience Saturday evening, I was more than eager to spend time with Him in Adoration on Sunday night. As I knelt…
Pictures, statues, altars, baptismal founts, holy water, pilgrimage, shrines, saints, doctors, mystics, nuns, brothers, martyrs, confessionals, priests, bishops, popes, Mary, hosts, chalices, dogma, councils, doctrine,…
He is the most influential man on the face of the earth, the chief shepherd entrusted with the keys, the steward of the household of…
This is surely what we read in the Proverbs of Solomon: If you sit down to eat at the table of a ruler, observe carefully…
Palm Sunday Procession Matt 21:1-11 Christ rides into Jerusalem upon an ass. He casts the buyers and sellers out of the temple, curses the fig…