The disclosure of God to man, the revelation of the beauty of the triune God, commentary is not my objective nor a higher critical approach…

The aim of creation, the end of man himself, is the love of God, Creator and Father, an ever greater love, the divinization of man,…

Their example gives witness to the fact that baptism commits Christians to participate boldly in the spread of the Kingdom of God, cooperating if necessary…

The impression I have gotten from most references to the “New Evangelization” is to new media. As technology evolves and changes, we need to access…

How long has it been since Pope John Paul II called for a New Evangelization? It preceded my entrance into the Church 8 years ago by…

Our first video has been produced! Teddy bear on fire is how I come off live–you be the judge. Verbal communication has been my bread…

My wife has spoken two prophetic words in my life that relate to commissioning, to one and the same call. The first was given years…

Without love Christianity is a fool’s game. Without love no man shall see God. Without love there is no salvation. Without love Satan is the…

I mentioned there is one law that governs heaven and that is the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. Now our Church…

Becoming a Catholic is the most natural thing any lover of Jesus Christ could ever do. Seriously, we need to lay down our unbelief and…