Jesus went about preaching the good news of the Kingdom. And what was the good news? That the King of the Kingdom had come among…

I’ve made no secret of the fact that I had a difficult time growing up. It seems to re-emerge occasionally, and I hope that deeper…

Pray, hope, and don’t worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer. –St. Padre Pio

Do you recognize your own kind? To reject Mary is to reject heaven. People think in terms of dogma or doctrine as if it were…

I mentioned there is one law that governs heaven and that is the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. Now our Church…

Nothing but love and the call of God. You, my friend, have the answer to every person’s question, the answer to every question worth asking: …

Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. I’ve rowed and I’ve surfed; they are two different creatures. In fact, the type of…

Guest post by Noah Simmons. In every person that ever was and ever will be there has always been the great desire for two…

OK, mop in hand. Now what? Start cleaning kids; know your limitations. How to clean–where can I start? Let’s start with ourselves. Can I will…

Guest post by Owen Swain. When I visit you say so little sometimes nothing at all nothing I can discern At first this silence comforts…